Sometimes it is useful to run more than one instance of JBoss on the same server. Other instances can be set up for development, testing or for quality assurance, etc.
ConfiguringMultipleJBossInstancesOnOneMachine on the JBoss wiki has the basic info but does not seem to be up to date for the newer servers (4.2.x+).
Before setting up another instance, other outside resources may also have to be 'cloned' if it is possible that they may conflict, such as setting up another instance of a database with a separate connection url and matching datasource for JBoss
1. copy %Jboss_home%\docs\sample\doc\binding-manager\sample-bindings.xml to %Jboss_home%\server\ , and Rename to port-bindings.xml.
2. edit %Jboss_home\server\xxx\conf\jboss-service.xml and r
emove the comments to enable the "ServiceBindingManager" mbean.
and Under "Socket transport Connector", in the "Configuration" section, serverBindPort
must be changed to another value or it will conflict with the default (4446)
3. edit %Jboss_home\ server\xxx\deploy\ejb3.deployer\META-INF\jboss-service.xml,
for the remoting.transport.Connector mbean, port 3873 must be changed to another
value or it will conflict with the default.
Separate instances are run with "run -c node1" etc